IM norm chances are availabe at this strong tournament which is currently underway, all results and games can be found here. Croad has made an excellent start with 2/2.
Croad,N (2290) - Toth,A (2401) [E81]2008 George Trundle NZ Masters (2.1), 28.09.20081.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.f3The Saemisch variation of the King's Indian Defence. Many years ago this was considered almost the refutation of the KID but nowadays things are not so simple. Black seems to be able to achieve good counterplay and many top GM's today prefer the classical variation.
5...0-0 6.Bg5With this move white stops e5 makes black's K-side expansion more problematic.
6...c5 7.d5 e6 8.Bd3A rare line more popular is
8.Qd2 exd5 9.cxd5 a6 10.a4 h6 11.Be3 h5 12.Nge2 Nbd7 13.Nc1 Ne5 14.Be2 Nh7 15.0-0 f5 16.f4 Nf7 17.e5 dxe5 18.Bxc5 exf4 19.Nd3 g5 20.Bxf8 Qxf8 21.Bxh5 Nd6 22.Rae1 Bd4+ 23.Kh1 Nc4 24.Qe2 Ne3 25.Nxf4 gxf4 26.Rxf4 Ba7 27.Qf3 Nf6 28.Qg3+ Neg4 29.Bxg4 Nxg4 30.d6 Bc5 31.Ne4 Bd4 32.Ng5 Bg7 33.Re7 b5 34.Qb3+ 1-0 Moiseenko,A-Hebden,M/Port Erin 2007
8.Nge2 exd5 9.Nxd5!? Be6 10.Nec3 Nc6 11.Qd2
A) 11...Nd4 Knaak 12.Bd3 (12.0-0-0 a6 13.h4‚) 12...a6 13.0-0 b5÷ Gulko-Agzamov/URS/1966; B) 11...h6?! 12.Nxf6+ Bxf6 13.Bxf6 Qxf6 14.Qxh6± Ne5 15.h4 Nxc4 16.0-0-0 Rad8 17.Bxc4 Bxc4 18.h5 Qg7 19.hxg6 fxg6 20.Qh2 Rf6 21.e5 Rff8 22.exd6 Rd7 23.Qh4 Bf7 24.Qg5 b6 25.Rh6 Be8 26.Rdh1 Rf5 27.Qe3 1-0 Christiansen,L-Polgar,J/Munich 1991
8...exd5 9.cxd5 Nbd7 10.Nh3 Ne5 11.Nf2White is playing extreme solidly and all his pieces seem to be based around the controling the e4 square.
11...Nxd3+Taking the bishop which seems like a blocked in piece is a long term idea of when the position opens up and pawns are traded black's bishop pair will play their part.
12.Qxd3 a612...h6 13.Bh4 (13.Bf4 Nh5 14.Be3 Re8) 13...Qb6 14.0-0 Nh5 15.Na4 Qb4
13.0-0 h6 14.Be3 Re8 15.Rab115.Rae1 seems more logical
15...Nd7 16.f4
16...f5?!f5 is not bad but i think it leads black down the wrong track as he must play accurately from now on with such a King position.
16...b5! 17.b4 cxb4 18.Rxb4 a5 19.Rxb5 ( best is probably 19.Rbb1 b4 20.Nb5 Ba6 21.a4 Nb6 22.Qb3 Bxb5 23.axb5) 19...Ba6 It is not clear white will get enough compensation for the exchange.
17.exf5 gxf5 18.b4 b6better seems 18...b5 19.bxc5 Nxc5 20.Qd2 Qf6 21.Rfc1
19.Rfe1 Nf619...Qf6
20.Ne2 Nh520...c4!? 21.Qd2 Bb7 22.Bd4 Qd7 23.Nc3 b5
21.Bd2 Bd7 22.Ng3 Nxg3 23.Qxg3Black's King protection is now a bit compromised the position is still roughly balanced. White ideally should swap off black's best piece being the bishop on g7 and find a good outpost for his knight.
23...Qf6 24.Rec1 Bb5?!The problem for black is he must find difficult moves where white's moves are alot easier to find. 24...cxb4!? 25.Bxb4 Rac8 26.Qa3 Bb5 27.Bxd6 Rxc1+ 28.Rxc1 Qd4 29.Be5 Bxe5 30.fxe5 Qxe5 31.h3 Qxd5
25.bxc5 bxc5 26.a4 Bxa4 27.Rb7 Re2?Better is 27...Rab8 28.Rxb8 Rxb8 29.Bc3 Qf7 30.Bxg7 Qxg7 31.Qd3 Qb2 White's pressure has subsided somewhat and black should try and consolidate more to make proper use of his extra pawn.
When black played Re2 he no doubt overlooked this strong rejoinder because without it white is in trouble but after Ng4 black is in serious difficulties.
28...Qd4+ does not save black because 29.Be3 Rxe3 30.Nxe3 Re8 31.Kh1 Rxe3 32.Rxg7+ Qxg7 33.Qxe3
29.Bc3 Qxc3
29...Qf5 30.Rxg7+ Kf8 31.Rxg4 Qxd5 32.Rg6+- Black's King is in serious danger.
30.Rxc3 Bd4+ 31.Kf1 Rae8 32.Rd3 Kh8
32...Rf2+ 33.Qxf2 Bxf2 34.Kxf2 Black could try and struggle on the exchange down but ultimately white's material advantage should prove too much.
The bishop on d4 was the glue holding black's position togeather without it his position now falls to pieces.
33...cxd4 34.Qxg4 R2e7 35.Rxe7 Rxe7 36.Qc8+ Kg7 37.Qxa6 Bd1 38.Qd3 Bh5 39.Qxd4+ Kf7 40.Qh8 Black resigns 1-0