Tuesday, January 29, 2008

115th Congress Review

Round three proved to be an easy win for Chandler, of course it was made to look easy.

Chandler,M - Spain,G [B01]New Zealand Championship Auckland (3.4), 16.01.2008

1.e4 d5 Graeme is a Scandinavian fanatic.
2.exd5 Qxd5 3.Nc3 Qa5 4.d4 Nf6 5.Nf3 Ne4?! Not the a main line and for good reason, More sensible moves are 5...c6, Bf5 or Bg4. Graeme normally prefers 5...c6. The move 5....Ne4 is just bad on general opening principles, not only has black developed his queen early he has moved a piece twice for very little reason.
6.Bd2 White has a choice to give black the bishop pair or have his pawn's wrecked.
6.Bd3 Nxc3 7.bxc3 g6 Nd7 8.0-0 e6 9.c4 Be7 10.Qe2 Nf6 11.c5 c6 12.a4 Qc7 13.a5 0-0 14.g3 Qd7 15.c4 Rd8 16.Rd1 a6 17.Bc2 Qe8 18.Rb1 g6 19.h3 Qf8 20.Kg2 Ne8 21.h4 Ng7 22.Bh6 Qe8 23.g4 f5 24.Ne5 Bf6 25.Rb3 Qf8 26.h5 Nxh5 27.Bxf8 Nf4+ 28.Kf3 Nxe2 29.Bd6 Nxd4+ 30.Rxd4 h5 31.gxh5 gxh5 32.Rd1 Kh7 33.Ke2 Rg8 34.Rh3 h4 35.Nf3 Rg4 36.Nxh4 1-0 Afromeev,V-Simantsev,M/Tula RUS 2007/
7...Qxc3+?! 8.Bd2 Qc6 9.0-0 With obvious compensation for the pawn.

6...Nxd2 7.Qxd2 e6 8.Bd3 Bb4 9.0-0 Nc6 10.Qf4 Bxc3?! Premature. Black already wasted time in the opening to gain the bishop pair and now just throws that advantage away.
Better is 10...Bd6 11.Qg4 0-0 12.Nb5 Be7 13.Qh3 h6 14.Qg3 Rd8! White is still better but black has good chances to equalise.
11.bxc3 h6?! 12.Rab1 a6?! Black continue's in disgusting fashion, the rabbit's ear's on h6 and a6 are not necessary and only weaken black position.12...0-0 13.Qe4 f5 14.Qf4 Qxa2±
13.Rfe1 0-0 14.h4 Another line runs 14.c4 Nb4 15.Qd2 Nc6 16.c3 Rb8 17.c5 Bd7 18.Bc2 Rfd8 19.a4 Ne7 20.Ne5 Nd5 21.Qd3 f5 22.Bb3 Be8 23.Qf3 White has a crushing grip on the position. 14...Qxa2 15.c4 Qa5 16.c5 Nb4 17.Qd2 Nc6 18.c3 Qa4 19.Bc2 Qc4 20.Bb3 Qb5 21.Bxe6 Bxe6 22.Rxb5 axb5 The unfortunate thing for black is his last few moves were probably best and that has resulted in a dead lost position. Perhaps with White faultering with a winning advantage the round before black was hoping for similar luck.
23.Qf4 Rfc8 24.Ne5 Nxe5 25.Qxe5 c6 26.Re3 Kh8 27.Rg3 Rg8 28.Qc7 Rab8 29.Kh2 Bd5 30.Re3 Be6 31.Qf4 Ra8 32.Qc7 Rab8 33.Kg3 Rgc8 34.Qd6 Rd8 35.Qe5 Ra8 36.Kh2 Rg8 37.Kg3 Rgd8 38.Qc7 Rab8 39.Kf4 Rdc8 40.Qe5 Ra8 41.g4 Bd5 42.Qe7 Rab8 43.Kg3 Kg8 44.Re5 Rf8 45.Qc7 Rfc8 46.Qb6 Kf8 47.g5 h5 48.g6 fxg6

49.Rxd5! cxd5 50.Qxg6 Rd8 51.Qxh5 Kg8 Material may appear even but positionally white has made big progress. Black's king doesn't have a safe home, both his rooks can not afford to leave the defence of pawns which are all scattered terribly and black is suffering a slow but imminent death.
52.Qe2 Rbc8 53.Qxb5 Rc7 54.Qb6 Rcd7 55.h5 Kh7 56.Qe6 Kh8 57.f4 Rc7 58.h6 gxh6 59.Qxh6+ Rh7 60.Qf6+ Rg7+ 61.Kf3 Rdd7 62.f5 Kg8 63.Qe6+ Rgf7 64.Kf4 Kf8 White is slowly improving his position by bringing two more attacking units into blacks position for the finale.
65.f6 Rh7 66.Kg5 Rhf7 67.Kg6 Rh7 68.Qe5 [68.c6 bxc6 69.Qxc6+-] 68...Rc7 69.Qd6+ Ke8 70.Qxd5 Rhf7 71.Qa2 Rcd7 72.Qa8+ [72.Qa8+ Rd8 73.Qxd8+ Kxd8 74.Kxf7]

Monday, January 28, 2008

Final standings at Wjk aan Zee

For a full report go to chessbase.com

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Lukey's upset victory over Chandler from the 115th Congress

The following game illustrates the importance of opening knowledge and that sometimes winning the opening phase of the game is not always a guarantee of victory.

Lukey,S - Chandler,M [D43]New Zealand Championship Auckland (2.1), 16.01.2008

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 d5 4.Nc3 c6 5.Bg5 This is probably the most popular opening for both colours at the GM level world wide!
5...h6 The Anti moscow variation
6.Bh4 dxc4 7.e4 g5 8.Bg3 b5 9.Be2 Bb7 10.h4
A recent game went 10.0-0 Nbd7 11.Ne5 Bg7 12.Nxf7! Topalov and his teams new novelty at the recent Corus tournament. 12...Kxf7 13.e5 Nd5 14.Ne4 Ke7 15.Nd6 Qb6 16.Bg4 Raf8 17.Qc2 Qxd4 18.Qg6 Qxg4 19.Qxg7+ Kd8 20.Nxb7+ Kc8 21.a4 b4 22.Rac1 c3 23.bxc3 b3 24.c4 Rfg8 25.Nd6+ Kc7 26.Qf7 Rf8 27.cxd5 Rxf7 28.Rxc6+ Kb8 29.Nxf7 Re8 30.Nd6 Rh8 31.Rc4 Qe2 32.dxe6 Nb6 33.Rb4 Ka8 34.e7 Nd5 35.Rxb3 Nxe7 36.Rfb1 Nd5 37.h3 h5 38.Nf7 Rc8 39.e6 a6 40.Nxg5 h4 41.Bd6 Rg8 42.R3b2 Qd3 43.e7 Nf6 44.Be5 Nd7 45.Ne6 1-0 Topalov,V-Kramnik,V/Wijk aan Zee NED 2008
10...g4 11.Ne5 h5 12.f3 This move is known not be white's strongest. Better is 12.0-0 Nbd7 13.Qc2 Nxe5 14.Bxe5 Bg7 15.Rad1 0-0 16.Bg3 Nd7 17.f3 c5! Anand's big noveltydxc5Qe719.Kh1 a6 20.a4 Bc6 21.Nd5 exd5 22.exd5 Be5 23.f4 Bg7 24.dxc6 Nxc5 25.Rd5 Ne4 26.Be1 Qe6 27.Rxh5 f5 28.Kh2 Rac8 29.Bb4 Rfe8 30.axb5 axb5 31.Re1 Qf7 32.Rg5 Nxg5 33.fxg5 Rxc6 34.Bf1 Rxe1 35.Bxe1 Re6 36.Bc3 Qc7+ 37.g3 Re3 38.Qg2 Bxc3 39.bxc3 f4 40.Qa8+ Kg7 41.Qa6 fxg3+ 0-1 Aronian,L-Anand,V/Mexico City MEX 2007/The Week in Chess 670 (41)]
12...Nbd7 13.fxg4 hxg4 14.0-0 Nxe5 15.Bxe5

Rh6! This appears to be a strong novelty. A previous game goes 15...Nd7 16.Bxh8 Qxh4 17.Bxg4 Qxh8 18.e5 0-0-0 19.Qe2 c5 20.d5 Nxe5 21.dxe6 Nxg4 22.Qxg4 Qd4+ 23.Qxd4 cxd4 24.Nxb5 fxe6 25.Rac1 Bh6 26.Rxc4+ Kb8 27.Re1 Be3+ 28.Rxe3 dxe3 29.Rd4 Rf8 30.Rd1 a6 31.Nc3 Rf2 32.Rd6 e5 33.Re6 Rf5 34.Rg6 Rf2 35.Rg5 Rxb2 36.Rxe5 Rxg2+ ½-½ Bacrot,E-Dreev,A/Poikovsky RUS 2005
16.Qd2? Allowing a simple combination. The position however is incredibly complicated. Analysis with a computer aid gives black the advantage in most lines but this is by no means the final say as deep study is required to find the truth in the position. But generally black gives up the exchange for a strong attack or he gets to keep his pawn with no compensation for white. 16.Bxg4 Nxg4 17.Qxg4 Qxh4 18.Qg8 (18.Qxh4 Rxh4 19.Bf6 Rg4 20.Rae1 Black is a pawn up again with no compensation for white.) 18...Qh5 19.Bg7 0-0-0 20.Bxh6 Bxh6 21.Qg3 (21.Qxf7?? Be3+) 21...b4 22.Na4 Rxd4 lack has a strong attack;
16.Bf4 This leads to wild complications.;
16.g3 To protect the h-pawn, if this pawn were to drop off then white's king will be under heavy attack in conjunction with a black pawn moving to g3. 16...b4 17.Nb1!? (17.Bxf6 Rxf6 18.Na4 Rxf1+ 19.Bxf1 Ba6 20.e5 Bb5 21.Nc5 Bxc5 22.dxc5 Qd5 23.Qxg4 0-0-0 Black is better. White's c-pawn will fall off and white's king is left a little open.) 17...Nxe4 18.Bxc4 Qd7 19.Nd2 Nxd2 20.Qxd2 Again white has no compensation for the pawn deficit
16...b4 17.Na4 Nxe4 18.Qf4 f5 19.g3 Rg6 20.Qe3 Qd5 21.h5 Rg5 22.Rac1 Rxh5 23.Bxc4 Qd7 24.Bd3 Ng5 25.Kf2 Nf3 [25...Rh2+ 26.Ke1 Nf3+ 27.Kd1 Bh6-+]
26.Rh1 Rxh1 Lukey said this on chesschat forum."Murray's mistake was to swap rooks and give me the h file and then swap on e5 letting my queen get there - he had planned Bg7 which won in every line but Rh8 which lets white off the hook."
27.Rxh1 Nxe5 28.Qxe5 0-0-0?! It turns out that after 28...Bg7! 29.Rh8+ Black keeps his winning advantage with the following King march. 29...Kf7! 30.Rh7 Kg8 31.Rxg7+ Qxg7 32.Qxe6+ Kh8-+
29.Bc4 Qxd4+ 30.Qxd4 Rxd4 31.Bxe6+ Kd8?! Black has played a string of inferior moves and now only has a small edge. Best is 31... Kb8 32.Rh8 Rd8-+
32.Rh8 Ke7 33.Nc5 Rd2+ 34.Ke3 Rxb2 35.Bxf5 Bg7?!
35...Rxa2! Rf2+ 39.Kxg4 Rxf5 40.Kxf5 b2 41.Rc7+ Kf8 42.Rc8+ Ke7 Draw by perpetual. (42...Kf7? 43.Nd8+ Ke7 44.Rb8 b1Q+ 45.Rxb1 Kxd8 46.Rb7 Bd4+-) 36.Rb8 Bh6+? 36...Kd6 37.Rxb7 Kxc5 38.Rxg7 Rxa2 Again black has to give material but the theme is the same , just push pawns. White has very small winning chances.
37.Kd3 Kd6 The Bishop on b7 cannot be saved.
38.Kc4 Ba6+ 39.Nxa6 Rxa2 40.Nxb4 Rg2 41.Rc8 Ke5 42.Bxg4 Rxg3 43.Be2 Bd2 44.Nxc6+ Kd6 45.Rd8+?! With the exchange of material white will have a difficult time winning the position.
45...Kxc6 46.Rxd2 Re3 46...a5 47.Bd3 a4 48.Kb4 a3 49.Bb5+ Kb6 50.Ra2 Rg4+ A drawn position is inevitable
47.Bd3 Re5 48.Rh2 Re6 49.Rh5 a6 50.Rh7 Kb6 51.Kd5 Rf6 52.Rh1 Kc7 53.Be4 Kb6 54.Rb1+ Kc7 55.Kc5 a5 56.Rb7+ Kd8 57.Ra7 a4 58.Rxa4 Kd7 59.Bd5 Ke7 60.Ra7+ Kf8 61.Kd4 Rf2 62.Ke5 Re2+ 63.Kd6 Re7 64.Ra8+ Re8 65.Ra7 Re7 66.Ra1
"Murray did lose on time in the act of playing a move that lost anyway." (Lukey)


Corus chess 08

The final round of this great festivsl is upon us. 17 year old Magnus Carlsen is playing fantastic chess, after losing a tough game to Anand in rd 11 he was able to come back and dish out Vladimir Kramnik's first defeat with the white pieces in a long time! Leaders Aronian and Carlson will be in for tough fights going into the final round (hopefully anyway chess players do have a tendancy to chicken out in the final rounds).
Group B action finally sees Nigel Short doing well in second place, young star Caruana seems to have wrapped up the C Group.

Group A: Round 13 - Sun. Jan. 27th

Vassily Ivanchuk - Loek van Wely
Judit Polgar - Levon Aronian
Veselin Topalov - Michael Adams
Boris Gelfand - Pavel Eljanov
Peter Leko - Shak. Mamedyarov
Magnus Carlsen - Teimour Radjabov
Vishy Anand - Vladimir Kramnik

Group B: Round 13 - Sun. Jan. 27th
Ian Nepomniachtchi - Nigel Short
Erwin L’Ami - Jan Smeets
Koneru Humpy - Sergei Movsesian
Gabriel Sargissian - Wouter Spoelman
Ivan Cheparinov - Daniƫl Stellwagen
Michal Krasenkow - Hou Yifan
Etienne Bacrot - P. Harikrishna

Group C: Round 13 - Sun. Jan. 27th
Dennis Ruijgrok - Irina Krush
Dimitri Reinderman - Mark van der Werf
Efstratios Grivas - Peng Zhaoqin
Fabiano Caruana - Parimarjan Negi
Pontus Carlsson - Friso Nijboer
Arik Braun - Anna Ushenina
John van der Wiel - Li Shilong

More info available at Coruschess.com

Friday, January 25, 2008

Wanganui Club News

The Wanganui chess club reopen's this Monday.
To bring in the new year John McDonald is giving a Simul.
All are welcome.

Wanganui Chess Club, 5 Mitchell Street, Wanganui. Meets Mondays 7:30pm, Blind Centre, 102 Peat St; President, Gordon Hoskyn, 7 Pehi St (06)343-6101; sec, K Yorston (06)343-7166.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Over the course of the next few weeks I will annotate M. Chandler's games to hopefully enlighten how he was able to take the NZ title. All comments and criticism's are welcome.

Chandler,M - Steadman,M [C14]New Zealand Championship Auckland (1.1), 15.01.2008 (Annotation's by Mathew)

1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bg5 Be7 5.e5 Nfd7 6.Bxe7 Qxe7 7.f4 a6 8.Nf3 c5 9.Ne2
Normally played here is 9.Qd2 Nc6 10.dxc5 Nxc5 (10...Qxc5 11.Bd3 b5 12.a3 0-0 13.Qf2 h6 14.Qxc5 Nxc5 15.b4 Nd7 16.Kd2 f6 17.exf6 gxf6 18.f5 d4 19.Ne2 e5 20.Ng3 Nb6 21.Nh4 Ne7 22.Rhf1 Nc4+ 23.Bxc4+ bxc4 24.Ne4 c3+ 25.Ke2 Bb7 26.Nc5 Bc6 27.a4 Rfb8 28.Ng6 Nxg6 29.fxg6 Kg7 30.Rf5 Rb6 31.g4 Be8 32.a5 Rc6 0-1 Becerra Rivero,J-Akobian,V/Las Vegas USA 2007/11.0-0-0 b5 12.Bd3 b4 13.Ne2 a5 14.f5 Nxd3+ 15.Qxd3 Ba6 16.Qe3 Bxe2 17.Qxe2 0-0 18.Kb1 a4 19.Nd4 Nxd4 20.Rxd4 exf5 21.Rxd5 a3 22.b3 Rad8 23.Rhd1 Rxd5 24.Rxd5 Rd8 25.Qd3 Rxd5 26.Qxd5 h5 27.Kc1 Qh4 28.Kd1 Qf2 29.e6 fxe6 30.Qxe6+ Kh7 31.Qd5 h4 - Chandler,M-Seirawan,Y/Reykjavik 1991/
Another alternative is 9...Nc6 10.c3 0-0 11.Ng3 f6 12.Qd2 cxd4 13.cxd4 Qb4 14.Rd1 Qxd2+ 15.Rxd2 b5 16.Bd3 Nb6 17.0-0 Bd7 18.Re1 Rac8 19.b3 Ne7 20.f5 Nxf5 21.Bxf5 exf5 22.e6 Bc6 23.Nxf5 Rc7 24.Rc2 Nc8 25.Rec1 Na7 26.Ne1 Re8 27.Re2 g6 28.Nd6 Ree7 29.Nd3 a5 30.Nc5 Nc8 31.Nxc8 Rxc8 32.Kf2 Bb7 33.Kg3 Rc6 34.Rf1 Bc8 35.Rxf6 Kg7 36.Nd7 Rd6 37.Ref2 Bxd7 38.Rf7+ Rxf7 39.Rxf7+ Kg8 40.Rxd7 Rxe6 41.Rxd5 Re2 42.Rxb5 Rxa2 43.d5 a4 44.bxa4 Rxa4 45.Rb8+ Kf7 46.Rb7+ Kf6 47.Rxh7 Rd4 48.Rd7 Ke5 49.h4 Kf5 50.Rd8 Rd3+ 51.Kf2 Rd2+ 52.Kf3 Rd4 53.d6 Rxh4 54.g4+ Ke6 55.Kf4 Rh1 56.Kg5 Rg1 57.Rg8 Kxd6 58.Rxg6+ Ke7 59.Rf6 Rxg4+ - Suechting,H-Zinkl,A/Leipzig 1894/
10.Qd2 Nc5 11.0-0-0 11.Nexd4 is good also.
11...d3 12.cxd3 Bd7 13.Kb1 Nc6 14.Rc1 Rc8 15.Ned4 Nd8? I am not sure what came over black to undevelop a piece on such a horrible square. Not only does it hinder development it clogs up black's whole Q-side. Coupled with black's next move White is able to take control of the c-file and all the important dark sqaures. Better is simply 15...0-0 and the position is equal
16.Be2 b5?! This move is premature, black's pieces are falling all over each other and are in no way ready for any Q-side expansion. White's next move not only stops black in his tracks but puts another one of black's pieces into the bad list. The white squared bishop.
17.b4! Na4 18.Rxc8 Bxc8 19.Rc1 Bb7 20.Bd1 Nb6 21.Qc3 Nc8 22.a4 Na7 23.axb5 axb5 24.Qc5 Qxc5 25.Rxc5 Bc6 26.Kb2 Kd7 27.Rc1 Kc7 28.Nb3 Nb7 29.Nfd4 Kb6 30.Bh5 g6 31.Be2 Bd7 32.g4 Rc8 33.Ra1 Nc6 34.Nxc6 Bxc6 White has now left black with his two worse pieces and a rook with only defensive prospects
35.h4 Rf8 36.Nd4 Bd7?! [36...f6!? 37.Kc3 (37.Nxe6?! Re8 38.Nd4 fxe5 39.fxe5 Rxe5 White is still better but at least the black rook is doing something of use now.) 37...fxe5 38.fxe5 Nd8 39.Kd2 Black has freed his position but is still in for a tough defense and one might also say black has freed white's position.
37.g5 Stopping the freeing move f6 once and for all.
37...h5 38.Bf3 Rc8 39.Nb3 Be8 40.Be2 Bd7 41.d4 Bc6 42.Kc3 Nd8 43.Nc5 Ra8 44.Nd7+ Kb7 45.Nc5+ Kb6 46.Nd7+ Kb7 47.Rxa8 Kxa8 48.Nf6 Kb8


A stunning and instructive end.


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

NZ Chess Champion 2008

Congratulations Murray Chandler
Congratulations also to Daniel Shen for Winning the Major Open
For all results and info go to

A great chess festival in Wijk

The tournament in Wijk is reaching its end. One of the 5 strongest tournaments of all time, the B and C groups are also very strong and an honorary group with Korchnoi, Timman, Portisch and Ljubojevic. Can this tournament be any bigger...yes actually Karpov is also there as a special guest.

Round 10 - Wednesday the 23rd
L. van Wely - M. Carlsen

V. Anand - P. Leko

V. Kramnik - B. Gelfand

T. Radjabov - V. Topalov

S. Mamedyarov - J. Polgar

P. Eljanov - V. Ivanchuk

M. Adams - L. Aronian

Round 11 - Friday the 25th
L. Aronian - L. van Wely

V. Ivanchuk - M. Adams

J. Polgar - P. Eljanov

V. Topalov - S. Mamedyarov

B. Gelfand - T. Radjabov

P. Leko - V. Kramnik

M. Carlsen - V. Anand

Round 12 - Saturday the 26th
L. van Wely - V. Anand

V. Kramnik - M. Carlsen

T. Radjabov - P. Leko

S. Mamedyarov - B. Gelfand

P. Eljanov - V. Topalov

M. Adams - J. Polgar

L. Aronian - V. Ivanchuk

Round 13 - Sunday the 27th
V. Ivanchuk - L. van Wely

J. Polgar - L. Aronian

V. Topalov - M. Adams

B. Gelfand - P. Eljanov

P. Leko - S. Mamedyarov

M. Carlsen - T. Radjabov

V. Anand - V. Kramnik

Find more information at http://www.coruschess.com/

NZ Championship Final Round

The Final round of the 115th New Zealand Chess Championship will start 2pm sharp.

Follow the games here www.aucklandchesscentre.co.nz/dgt/tfd.htm

Round 11
1 Chandler, Murray : Dowden, Tony

2 Dive, Russell : McLaren, Leonard
3 Steadman, Michael : Ker, Anthony
4 Barlow, Matthew : Van Riemsdijk, Herman
5 Spain, Graeme : Thornton, Gino
6 Garbett, Paul : Watson, Bruce
7 Croad, Nicolas : Hart, Ralph
8 Stuart, Peter : Reilly, Tim
9 Lukey, Stephen : Fuatai, Fuatai
10 Goodhue, Nathan : Smith, Robert
11 Bennett, Hilton : Hartvig, Ove
NZCF Rating List 3-2007 Top 100

Ranking Code Category Name Club Standard Rapid

1 5571 CHANDLER, MURRAY G 2541 i
2 3552 MARTIN, BENJAMIN M S OT 2409 i
3 3459 DIVE, RUSSELL J WE 2370 2314
4 3178 NOKES, ROGER I CA 2348 i
5 3383 KER, ANTHONY F WE 2344 2340
6 3088 SMITH, ROBERT W WT 2338 2274
7 5268 j WANG, PUCHEN AC 2336 2397
8 3696 LUKEY, STEPHEN G WE 2326 2241
9 3002 GARBETT, PAUL A NS 2323 2292
10 5083 CROAD, NICHOLAS WE 2321 2262
11 3830 WASTNEY, SCOTT WE 2318 2222
12 3255 NOBLE, MARK F UH 2274 i
13 3199 GREEN, PETER R AC 2240 2227
14 3206 WATSON, BRUCE R AC 2232 2210
15 3314 MCLAREN, LEONARD J NS 2230 2205
16 3003 s SUTTON, RICHARD J OT 2224 2198
17 3617 VAN DER HOORN, MARK W WE 2213 2143
18 3201 STEADMAN, MICHAEL V R AC 2211 2120
19 3482 SPAIN, GRAEME A GA 2182 i
20 5349 HAN, DANIEL AC 2144 1942
21 3507 HART, RALPH NS 2134 i
22 3148 DOWDEN, R ANTHONY OT 2119 i
23 3632 JOHNSON, QUENTIN OT 2116 1941
3454 SUTHERLAND, JOHN L OT 2116 2008
25 6366 MACHDOEM, ANDREW CA 2115 1980
26 6788 VORACEK, MIREK OT 2112* 2158*
27 3503 KER, CHARLES M WA 2108 i
28 5599 THOMAS, BENJAMIN UH 2093 1918*
29 5854 j BAIDER, DANIEL WE 2079 2148
30 3558 DUNN, PAUL WE 2071 i
31 6582 BESSAT, REMY WT 2067* 1995*
32 3648 MCDONALD, JOHN A WA 2063 1872
33 5489 WOJNAR, MACIEJ WE 2050 i
34 6370 ZHANG, JOHN (PENG LI) 2049 2040*
35 5816 MCCRONE, JEFFREY NS 2048 2001
36 4300 BURNS, CHRIS J WA 2040 1952
37 3089 BENNETT, HILTON P HA 2027 1861
38 3272 WEEGENAAR, DAVID P CA 2018 i
39 3411 SIMS, MARTIN T WE 2017 1718
3417 TURNER, MICHAEL G WE 2017 1910
41 4617 CUMMINGS, NICK CA 2016 i
42 3987 MCNABB, MATTHEW AC 2015 2021
43 7032 QI, CHAO CA 2012* 1846*
44 3005 STUART, PETER W NS 2011 2015
45 5082 DONALDSON, BRUCE CA 1998 1887
46 3013 POMEROY, ARTHUR J WE 1995 1960
47 3386 WHEELER, BRUCE AC 1993 i
48 5620 j THORNTON, GINO A NS 1992 2057
3293 VAN GINKEL, JOHN P NE 1992 1960
50 3253 MARNER, GAVIN WE 1991 1926
51 3665 GOODHUE, NATHAN AC 1989 1976
52 5488 WOJNAR, JACEK WE 1984 i
53 3394 NIJMAN, BRIAN WE 1980 1945
54 4302 DAVIS, JUSTIN M GA 1970 1854
55 4231 FUATAI, FUATAI NS 1968 2027
56 6586 LENNARTZ, CHRISTINA OT 1965* 1695*
57 4124 LIM, BENJI AC 1957 1899
58 3526 ROBINSON, JOHN P AC 1941 i
59 6349 SELLEN, IAN WE 1940 1757
60 5068 BEACH, PAUL K AC 1939 2028*
61 5104 KRSTEV, ANTONIO NS 1936 2031
62 5130 BOARDMAN, JEFFREY F WE 1934 i
63 6598 LEE, EDWARD 1931* unr
7094 REMANESES, RENATO CA 1931* 1787*
5921 j WATSON, JEREMY CA 1931 1777
66 6468 MILLIGAN, HELEN NS 1930 1865*
67 5776 j KRSTEV, MARIO NS 1927 2017
68 6098 j CHENG, BOBBY HA 1926 1778
4691 LATIMER, BRYAN AC 1926 unr
70 5645 BROWNE, JEREMY A HA 1925 1849
71 4885 GODFREY, PAUL WT 1923 1990
5197 GUNN, NEIL J NS 1923 1878
73 6250 ADAIR, DANIEL AC 1922 i
74 7039 DUNEAS, JOHN MM 1915* unr
75 4333 JACKSON, L ROSS WE 1914 1765
76 3550 s VETHARANIAM, PRINCE A R WA 1913 i
77 6784 BENITEZ, EDGAR WE 1907* unr
78 5817 THURNER, CHRISTOPH 1904 unr
4196 WARD, KEITH AC 1904 unr
80 4451 NYBERG, MICHAEL WE 1903 1949
81 3218 BRIMBLE, MARK T WT 1899 1689
82 4830 PERRY, ROGER L AC 1898 i
83 6761 HOTHERSALL, RIK CA 1892* unr
84 5684 j CHEN, ANDREW (GENG YU) HP 1889 1699
85 5820 j WU, MICHAEL (MING HUA) AC 1881 1803
86 3037 GIBBONS, ROBERT E PT 1878 1872
87 4966 HALL, CRAIG CA 1876 1826
88 5517 MCKERRAS, ROSS CA 1875 1880
89 3434 HURLEY, ALAN UH 1873 i
90 5149 MACHINA, ALLEN WT 1868 i
91 3238 CARTER, GERALD S UH 1866 unr
92 5575 WATTS, DUNCAN OT 1862 1893
93 4683 STORCHENEGGER, OTHMAR WT 1860 1690
94 5559 LAMBERT, LUKE OT 1859 1821
95 5070 EADE, DON AC 1855 1733
96 3027 s POWER, P WAYNE NS 1854 1761
97 6239 KING, MATHEW J WA 1853 1702
98 6030 WILKINS, MARK WE 1853 1687
99 3433 DAVIES, GEOFF CA 1847 1665*
100 3927 FORSTER, WILLIAM WE 1847 1833